Reference Manual for the NETGEAR Storage Central SC101
v1.0, September 2005
– If your network does include wireless access, then use a password to restrict access and
implement appropriate wireless security.
Now, PCs with access to the drive can save or play media photos, music, or movies from it.
Protecting Against Data Loss
You can use theStorage Central SC101 disks to protect against data loss that can happen when a
hard disk fails or from other problems like virus attacks or accidental deletion.
Backing up important files such as operating system files, important data files like tax records, or
files that you value for any reason, includes these elements:
• An SC101 with one or two hard disks installed and the SC101 software installed on each PC
that will access the Storage Central unit.
• Two options for backing up your data are:
– Windows backup: Use Windows backup features to back up critical data to the Storage
Central SC101 disk, which can be scheduled to run automatically. Windows can also back
up its system files so that if it gets corrupted by a virus for example, you can restore a
working copy of Windows from your SC101 disk. refer to the help information included
with Windows for an explanation of how to use these features.
– Mirroring: Mirroring protects against a hard disk failure. use the SC101 disk mirroring
feature to copy all files on a letter drive disk automatically in real time. Mirroring requires
a second hard disk to be installed in your SC101. You can combine mirroring with
Windows backup features. Depending on the speed of the hard disks that you install in the
SC101, mirroring can have an impact on performance, especially when used on shared
• Restricting unauthorized access.
– If your network does not include wireless access, and you want all these files to be
available to any computer connected to the network on which the SC101 software is
installed, then you do not need a password to restrict access.
– If your network does include wireless access, then use a password to restrict access.