Reference Manual for the NETGEAR Storage Central SC101
v1.0, September 2005
7. Verify that you can copy files to and from your new SC101 drive.
8. Repeat these steps for each computer that will use the SC101 drives.
Managing an Existing Drive
After you have created drives for each computer that will use the Storage Central SC101 you may
need to manage the drives. You can use the wizard to complete the following tasks:
• Rename: Rename a drive that you created.
• Change Password: Change the password for a drive that you created.
• Add Capacity: Increase the capacity for a drive that you created. The increased capacity must
be at least 33 MB.
• Share/Unshare: Change a shared drive to unshared; or change an unshared drive to shared.
• Detach: Unmount the letter dive and make it available to new drives on the PC.
• Delete: Erase the content on the drive and make space available for a new drive.
Note: The SC101 formats hard disks differently than a PC does. Do not swap hard
disks between a SC101 and a PC: the data will be unreadable.
Note: For detailed information about these features, please see the online help in the
Storage Central SC101 utility.