Phone Feature Codes
Table 12 lists phone feature codes.
Table 12: Phone Feature Codes
Feature Name Code Definition
Account Code –
All Calls Following
Allows the phone user to enter a forced or optional account code
that will apply to all calls following the entry of this feature code and
will appear in the SMDR. To disable the All Calls Following feature,
the feature code is entered again without an account code.
Account Code – Optional
Allows the phone user to enter an optional account code for SMDR
reports during an outside call.
ACD Agent Login
ACD Agent Logout
ACD Agent Login/Logout Toggle
These feature codes allow an ACD hunt group member (agent) to
log into and out of one or more ACD hunt groups. The agent will
only receive calls through the ACD hunt group while logged in.
ACD Agent Wrap-Up Terminate
When an ACD agent completes a call, no other ACD hunt group
call will ring at the phone until the ACD Wrap-Up Timer expires or
the agent enters this feature code to terminate the wrap-up
Activate Door Relay
If enabled, activates a door relay switch on the system to unlock a
door (i.e., “buzz” it open).
Agent Help
The Agent Help feature allows a phone user to request help from
a designated “Agent Help Extension” during a two- or three-party
Agent Help Reject
When a request-for-help call rings, the Agent Help Extension can
choose to join the call or enter this feature code to reject the
Answer (Ringing Call)
Answers the call that has been ringing or holding the longest at
that phone.
Audio Diagnostics
When initiated, users are prompted to answer questions about the
audio problems by pressing specific keypad buttons.
Automatic CO Access On/Off
(Not used on single line phones) Allows the phone user to
determine how ringing outside calls will be answered: simply by
lifting the handset or pressing the Speaker button (automatic
answer), or by lifting the handset or pressing the Speaker button
and pressing a Call button, individual trunk button or the ANSWER
Automatic IC Access On/Off
(Not used on single line phones) Allows the phone user to
determine how ringing intercom calls will be answered: simply by
lifting the handset (automatic answer), or by lifting the handset and
pressing the IC button (or a Call button, if there is no IC button).
Automatic Trunk Answer
Using this feature code, phone users with allowed answer can pick
up trunks that are ringing into the system, but that are not actually
ringing at their phones. This feature does not pick up transferred
calls or recalls that are ringing at the phone.
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