Administrator Phone Guide
Alarms are generated on phones as the result of continuous self-diagnostics run within the
system and are a basic indicator that there is a problem or potential problem with the system.
The severity and type of alarm determines the corrective action necessary to resolve the
To allow you to monitor multiple nodes, the system provides both system alarms, which includes
voice processing alarms, and network-wide alarms. See Table 12 on page 44 for the complete
list of minor system and voice processing alarms.
Alarm Types
On the 5000 CP, alarms are grouped into the following categories:
• Minor System alarms (000–019): These alarms indicate a minor system that can often be
addressed without calling service personnel.
• Minor Voice Processing alarms (020–039): These alarms indicate a minor voice process-
ing problem that can often be addressed without calling service personnel.
• Major System alarms (100–199): These alarms indicate a system problem that requires
calling service personnel.
• Major Voice Processing alarms (200–224): These alarms indicate a voice processing
problem that requires calling service personnel.
• Network alarms (225–244): These alarms indicate a system or voice processing problem
generated from a remote node. These alarms are handled in the same way as the local
alarm is handled. When a network alarm occurs, the local alarm (number) equivalent is
displayed on the first line of your administrator’s phone and the node where the alarm
originated is indicated on the second line. What distinguishes a network alarm from a local
alarm is the node information that appears on the second line of the phone’s display.
• System Application alarms (A1001-A1099): These alarms indicate an issue with one of
the system applications. See the individual alarm to determine the level of service required.
Note: Even when a voice processing alarm has been registered, the system may still function
Note: The alarm numbers 225–244 are used internally by the system and do not appear on your
administrator’s phone. Instead, your administrator phone shows the equivalent local alarm number
between 000 and 224.