Diagnostic –
9948 (9148)
This feature code toggles through the three different ISDN view
output modes.
Entering the feature code the first time puts the ISDN view feature
into headers only mode. In this mode the system outputs all ISDN
messages to Message Print in header format (that is, it does not
contain any ISDN information elements).
Entering the feature code the second time puts the ISDN view
feature into full mode. In this mode the system outputs all ISDN
message to Message Print in full format (that is, each ISDN
information element).
Entering the feature code one more time turns this feature off.
Diagnostic –
Major Reset
9962 (9162)
For internal engineering use only.
Diagnostic –
Mark As Leaks
9945 (9145)
For internal engineering use only.
Diagnostic - Mark As
9946 (9146)
For internal engineering use only.
Diagnostic –
Minor Reset
9964 (9164)
For internal engineering use only.
Diagnostic –
Network Freeze Zone
System Histories
Diagnostic –
Network Unfreeze Zone
System Histories
9939 (9139)
9989 (9189)
The system fault history for any freeze zone in the network can be
halted (frozen) or re-enabled using these feature codes when
diagnostics mode is enabled. The fault history can then be
extracted from each zone and used by service personnel when
troubleshooting the system.
Diagnostic –
Network Groups
9963 (9163)
Allows you to verify that the Network Groups on the local node are
programmed properly. When 9963 is entered at an administrator’s
phone, the telephone system initiates pings from each IP device
on the local node and determines if the other devices respond to
the ping. If a device does not respond to the ping or if a firewall is
detected, the system issues a Message Print message.
Diagnostic –
Print Auxdata
9972 (9172)
(Not Programmable) Sends a report to a designated printer or file
that shows system reset history information to be used for
troubleshooting purposes.
Diagnostic –
Print Message Log
9975 (9175)
(Not Programmable) Sends a report to a designated printer or file
that lists system error messages to be used for troubleshooting
Diagnostic –
Print Network Log
9976 (9176)
This feature code prints the network log to message print. This
feature is useful in determining the system of a networked system.
Diagnostic –
Query Node Traffic
9978 (9178)
Using this feature code you can query the status of various
devices on the system based on the status of the traffic flags in
DB Programming. The output is sent to Message Print.
Table 10: Diagnostics Feature Codes (continued)
Feature Name
U.S. (Eur.)
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