148 Reflash the Mobile Device
MX7 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX7RG-B
Reflash the Mobile Device
Note: When reflashing, LXE recommends using a SD Flash card that is greater than 64MB.
Files to be loaded on the Flash card are: MX7NK.BIN, MX7EBOOT.NB0, MX7.BIT
The MX7 reloads the operating system upon every warm boot or cold boot. Anything not saved or
preserved to the registry is lost.
In warm boot, the OS and the CAB files are reloaded from the internal SD card and the preserved
registry is also reloaded.
During cold boot, the system behavior is identical to warm boot with the addition that the registry
is reloaded with factory defaults.
• LXE recommends that installation of the Flash card be performed on a clean, well-lit
• Place the mobile device in Suspend Mode and remove the main battery pack.
• Lift the rubber barrier and pull the SD card out of the slot.
• Locate the <A> key on the 55-key keypad.
• Locate the <Alph> key on the 32-key keypad.
How To
1. Place the SD flash card with new image files on it into the SD slot.
2. Select Start | Run and type Coldboot.
3. Before the splash screen appears, press and hold down the <A> key on the 55-key keypad.
Press and hold down the <Alph> key on the 32-key keypad. Continue to hold the <A> or
<Alph> key down until the displays shows “Writing bootloader to flash”.
Note: If you do not press and hold the key quickly enough, the display shows “Loading
system from ATA”. Remove the main battery for 2 seconds, re-insert the battery and
press the Power button. Press and hold the <A> or <Alph> key again.
4. The mobile device will automatically reboot after flashing the bootloader. “Loading system
from ATA” is displayed on the screen and when the new OS finishes loading, all software
upgrades are complete.
5. The touchscreen will need to be re-calibrated.
Once the bootloader is loaded and the files are copied onto the internal Flash drive, you can
reflash the bootloader at any time by rebooting the MX7, and holding down the <A> or <Alph>
key on the keypad before the splash screen appears.
Wait until the splash screen displays “Writing new bootloader”, and you can release the <A> or
<Alph> key.
When reflashing is complete (3-5 seconds), the MX7 will reboot and startup with the new
bootloader again.