
Auto Complete, 36
Auto Zoom, 8
Brightness, 28, 29
Calibrate Screen, 29
Cancel Navigation, 23
Contact, 9, 10, 18
Contrast, 28
Cursor, 7, 38, 39
Customize Display, 32
Destinations, 19
Directions List, 17, 32
External Connections, 4
Find Address, 36
GPS Data File, 32
Icons, 17, 26, 29
Keyboard, 15, 29, 39
Language, 27
Location-POI Information Button, 8
Location Information Screen, 9
Main Menu, 8
Map Mode, 7
Memory Cards (MMC), 4, 5, 13, 32
Music Mode, 13
Name Filter, 39
NauticPath, 50
Navigating, 26
Now Playing Box, 14
Options, 17
Overlay Data, 24
Pictures, 16
Play Control Buttons, 14
POI (Point of Interest), 18, 38, 40
Point-to-Point Navigation, 43
Power, 6
Reset Options, 30
Route, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 31, 32, 33, 39
Routing Options, 31
Safety Mode, 27
Satellites Screen, 33
Screen Calibration, 29
SD card, 4
Searching, 14, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40
Simulator, 33
Sound and Voice Setup, 27
Straight-Line Navigation, 44
Symbols, 10
Touch Screen, 6,
Trail, 26
Transfer Data, 32
Trip Calculator, 18
Turn Preview, 18, 32
Units of Measure, 30
USB-to-PC Cable, 13
Utilities, 18
Keyboard, 35
Visualization Area, 15
Waypoints, 23, 45