Straight-line Navigation Commands
The two basic commands used for straight-line navigation are Go To
Cursor and Go To Waypoint. Go To Cursor will navigate to any spot,
landscape feature or waypoint selected on-screen using the cursor. The
Go To Waypoint command works with the Address Book feature.
Create Waypoint at Current Position
Press the
LOCATION-POI INFORMATION button on the map screen and the
Waypoint Information screen will appear. Select
save the waypoint. The Edit Contact screen appears. You can accept
the default name and symbol or edit it.
Waypoint Information screen, at left. The Edit Contact screen for this
waypoint is shown at right. To change the waypoint name, symbol or
any other information in the Edit Contact screen, touch anywhere in-
side the relevant box and a keyboard will appear.
Create Waypoint with Cursor
Use the cursor to select a location on-screen. Press the