9. Accessories
Bullet manipulators K2715A
As an alternative to the previously described
object holders, the bullet manipulators K2715A
(order No. 581 075) can be used (Fig. 50).
The bullet manipulators are attached directly to
the motorized cross-stage. During assembly, ob-
serve the markings for “Left” and “Right”.
The bullet manipulators are used for the hori-
zontal examination of bullets and shells.
However, a vertical bullet casing holder (order
No. 581 074) is also available.
Fig. 50 Cross-stage with attached bullet holder K2715A
Fig. 51 Brush set for bullet holder K2715A
Additional accessories:
Mini stage plate (order No. 581 076)
for examining small documents, toolmark speci-
mens, etc.
Rotating mini plate (order No. 581 077)
for examining toolmark specimens such as cut
wire, which is embedded in wax and can be in-
spected from all angles and rotated.
Brush holder set (order No. 581 078)
for examining deformed bullets