8. Operation
Adjusting the Angle of Vision
• The viewing angle can be adjusted from 5° to
32° by tilting the binocular eyepiece.
8.4 Eyepieces
The eyepiece’s aperture protector must be re-
moved during microscopy while wearing eye-
glasses, or at least folded back.
Eyeglasses with multifocal lenses (bifocals and
smooth view glasses) must be removed while
operating the macroscope.
Correction for Vision Problems
•With your right eye, look through the right
eyepiece and bring the specimen into sharp
If both oculars have an adjustable eyelens,
the eyelens of the right ocular can be brought
to the position for normal vision, which is in-
dicated by an encircling line.
When using a graticule in the right eyepiece,
the eyelens must first be focused on the grat-
• Then, view the same specimen using the left
eye and rotate the eyelens of the left eye-
piece until the object appears in sharp focus.
While doing so, do not use the focus dial.
8.5 Brightness Setting
Cold Light Illumination
The control dials (20.8 and 20.12) adjust the first
and (if applicable) the second cold light source.
The function is dependent on the cabling on the
rear side of the stand → page 19.
We recommend using the same cold light
source for both sides based on the illumination
method being used. The second cold light
source should then be used for another illumina-
tion method.
Illumination method →
page 26ff.
The LED (20.9) or (20.11) is green if the corre-
sponding lamp is operated in standard mode. If
the LED is red, the bulb life of the lamp is
UV Illumination
The UV lamps are equipped with a high-pres-
sure, 180 W quartz radiator and UV filter disks
for a wavelength of 366 nm. They are rated for a
direct 230 V/50 Hz power supply.
For further details →
see the special instruc-
8.6 Focusing
You can focus using the handwheels on the left
and right side (20.1 and 20.7).
If the button (20.10) is pressed, i.e. if the syn-
chronous adjustment of the stages is activated,
focusing is also synchronous.