9. Accessories
Stages ø 20 mm
You can fasten pieces of evidence of various
dimensions to the ridged surface of the
stages with ø 20 mm (46.1). As the adhesive,
you can use plasticine or wax.
Fig. 47 Adjustable holder with stage ø 60 mm
1 Stage ø 60 mm
2 Clamp
3 Fastening screw
4 Thread
Fig. 46 Adjustable holder with stage ø 20 mm
1 Stage ø 20 mm
2 Joint holder
Stages ø 60 mm
Objects with a circumference of up to 55 mm and
a thickness of up to 15 mm can be fastened with
clamps (47.2) to the stages ø 60 mm (47.1). To do
so, release the screws (47.3), raise the clamps,
attach the objects and press the clamps back in
before tightening the screws. The additional
threading (47.4) on the border of the stages
ø 60 mm is for arranging the clamps asymmetri-
cally. If you remove these, the stages ø 60 mm
can also be used as large paste-on stages. You
can fasten pieces of evidence of various dimen-
sions to the ridged surface of the stages using