
Communication Protocols
"T": Trigger a Salvo Connect Sequence
Request: **T reg!!
Response: **OK!!<CR>
Action: Trigger a list of connect commands stored in a salvo register.
The command "T" is used to trigger a previously set up salvo (set using the
"P" command above). It must be followed by a register letter from A to Z
For example, the command:
**TB D180 TC!!
says to trigger salvo register B, delay 180 sync intervals, then trigger salvo
register C. When the register is triggered, this means that the connect
commands stored in it take effect.
When the Updates mode is turned on and a salvo connect sequence is
triggered the only reply is as noted above.
If the command:
**TB? D180 TC?!!
Is sent to the router instead, two full crosspont status messages will be sent.
Each with its own * and ! delimiters. If setup C contains changes to setup B,
the two status reports will indicate both switch changes to the same output
“A” : A Command Audio Gain Control
The “A” commands are used to change the audio input or output gain values.
The gain values can be set to an absolute value, incremented up or down.
In a A command the A must be followed by an I or O to designate input or
output then the number of that input or output followed by a comma. Then a
L or R to designate left or right. This combination is then either followed by a
U to indicate increment up one step, a D to indicate increment down by one
step or a number between 0 and 255 indicating the absolute value of the gain.
Where 127 is unity gain, 0 is mute or minimum gain and 255 maximum gain.
Like all other commands the A command either ends with a <CR> or it can
be strung in a multiple command string, which may include multiple gain
settings executed in a ‘stack-and-load’ sequence.
**AI2,L150!! means Input 2, left channel set to a gain of 150.
**AO4,LD!! means decrease the gain of output 4 left channel by 1/256th.