
Communication Protocols
to the VERY NEXT vertical sync interval. If the number is 0, no delay
occurs. The number must be no larger than 255. Note that this command will
also delay the time at which the remaining command responses and the trailer
character are returned to the host. For example, the command:
**X1,5,0 D200 D100 X1,6,0 S!!
says that input 5 is to be connected to output 1 on all levels, then a delay of
300 (=200+100) sync intervals is to occur, then input 6 is to be connected to
output 1 on all levels, then a status response is to be returned. Note: the
spaces shown in the string above are optional.
It is generally recommended that the host computer be responsible for timing
the initiation of commands, rather than using this command to do the job. The
host computer can simply send the appropriate commands at the appropriate
times. The "P" and "T" commands described below can aid in ensuring that
lengthy connect sequences aren't delayed due to the time it takes to send them
to the router.
"P": Setup a Salvo Connect Sequence
Request: **P reg connect connect ... ~!!
Response: **OK!!<CR>
Action: Store a list of connect commands in a salvo register.
The command "P" is used to set up a salvo, which is a series of connect
commands for later execution with the "T" command (see below). It must be
followed by a register letter from A to Z giving the register into which the
connect sequence is to be stored, followed by zero or more connect
commands followed by a "~" (tilde) character. For example, the command:
**PB X2,5,0 x1,7,0 ~ !!
says that two connect commands (output 2 to input 5 AFV, and output 1 to
input 7 AFV) are to be stored into salvo register B (i.e. register 2).
The connect commands do not take effect until the register is triggered using
the "T" command below.
The contents of each setup register is determined by one message string. If a
second string is sent to the same register, the first message is ignored and
overwritten by the second message.
To clear a setup the host can send:
**PB ~ !!
The tilde in the above examples is for compatibility with existing SVS
drivers. It may be omitted if desired without causing errors. Likewise the
spaces in the above command string examples may be omitted.