
Communication Protocols
Setup Save”: Store / Delete Video Status
Request: 0x03 <setup#> <options> <machine>
Response: 0x43 <setup#> <options> <machine>
Action: Saves or deletes a Setup
The “Setup Save” command can be used to either save a setup based on the
current switcher status, or to erase an existing setup.
1 – Save
0 – Delete
Bi-Directional command example:
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher 0x03 0x81 0x81 0x81 Save current status to setup location 1
Response From Switcher 0x43 0x81 0x81 0x81
“Setup Recall”
Request: 0x04 <setup#> 0x00 <machine>
Response: 0x44 < setup#> 0x00 <machine>
Action: Recalls a setup to the active status
The “Setup Recall” command is used to recall an existing setup. Bi-
Directional command example:
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher 0x04 0x81 0x80 0x81 Recall setup location 1
Response From Switcher 0x44 0x81 0x80 0x81 Setup location 1 recalled
“Breakaway Setting”: Audio follows video
Request: 0x08 <command> <value> <machine>
Response: 0x48 <command> <value> <machine>
Action: Sets breakaway switching behavior
The “Breakaway Setting” runs in two command modes. Specifying a 0 for the
command parameter gives you value options 0 for “Audio-Follows-Video”
and 1 for “Audio Breakaway”. Specifying a 1 for the command parameter
gives you value options 0 for “Follow Mode” and 1 for “Normal Mode”.
Follow mode is used when several different types of routers (RS-422,
AES/EBU etc.,) will all follow each other, not just video and audio units. Bi-
Directional command example:
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher 0x08 0x80 0x80 0x81 Enables “Audio follow video” mode
Response From Switcher 0x48 0x80 0x80 0x81 “Audio follow video” enabled