Tie-rod, Rocker Arm
Tie-rod Removal
Using the jack under the frame, raise the rear wheel off
the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
Remove the tie-rod front mounting bolt [A].
When pulling out the mounting bolts, lift the rear
wheel slightly. Forcing or tapping on a bolt could
damage the bolt, sleeve, and bearing.
Remove the tie-rod rear mounting bolt [B], and then take
out the tie-rods [C].
Tie-rod Installation
Apply plenty of grease to the inside of the needle bearings
and oil seals.
Tighten the tie-rod front and rear mounting nuts.
Torque - Tie-rod Mounting Nuts: 59 N·m (6.0 kgf·m, 43 ft·lb)
Rocker Arm Removal
Using the jack under the frame, raise the rear wheel off
the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
Remove the chain [A] and the l ower chain guide roller [B].
Remove the tie-rod front mounting bolt [A].
When pulling out the mounting bolts, lift the rear
wheel slightly. Forcing or tapping on bolt could
damage the bolt, sleeve, and bearing.
Remove the rear shock absorber lower mounting bolt [B].
Remove the rocker arm pivot shaft [C].
Remove the rocker arm [D].