Install the shift drum.
Fit the shift fork guide pins into the corresponding shift
drum grooves.
Apply a little transmission oil to the shift rods, and slide
them into the shift forks.
Holding the shift drum with the suitable tool and tighten
the shift drum operating plate bolt.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the shift drum
operating plate bolt.
Torque - Shift Drum Operating Plate Bolt: 24 N·m (2.4
kgf·m, 17 ft·lb)
Shift Fork Bending Inspection
Visually inspect the shift forks, and replace any fork that is
bent. A bent fork could cause difficulty in shifting, or allow
the transmission to jump out of gear when under power.
[A] 90°
Shift Fork/Gear Groove Wear Inspection
Measure the thickness of the shift fork ears [A], and mea-
sure the width [B] of the shift fork grooves in the transmis-
sion gears.
If the thickness of a shift fork ear is less than the service
limit, the shift fork must be replaced.
Shift Fork Ear Thickness
3.90 ∼ 4.00 mm
Service Limit:
3.80 mm
If a gear shift fork groove is worn over the service limit,
the gear must be replaced.
Shift Fork Groove Width
4.05 ∼ 4.15 mm
Service L i m it :
4.25 mm
Shift Fork Guide Pin/Shift Drum Groove Wear
Measure the diameter [A] of each shift fork guide pin, and
measure the width [B] of each shift drum groove.
If the guide pin on any shift fork is less than the service
limit, the fork must be replaced.
Shift Fork G uide Pin Diameter
5.90 ∼ 6.00 mm
Service L i m it :
5.80 mm
If any shift drum groove is worn over the service limit, the
drum must be replaced.
Shift Drum Groove Width
6.05 ∼ 6.20 mm
Service Limit:
6.25 mm