• The oven rackscan be cleaned inthe oven. However,the oven racks willdiscolor,
loseshininess,and become difficultto slide in and out if left in theoven duringthe
WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE. As a suggestion,do not leave the racks inthe oven
during each self-cleaningprocess if they do notneed to be cleaned sincethey will
discolor to a dull silver after the first cleaning. Moderately soiled racks can be
cleaned witha soapy S.O.S.pad or Scotch-Britescour pad. Stubborn stainsneed
to be removedin the self-cleaningprocess. Be sure to readspecial tips on page
44 if oven racks are cleanedduring the self-cleaning process.
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*Omit steps 4 & 5 ifyou wish cleaningto begin immediately.
To set oven to start cleaning immediately
1, Closethe oven door.
2, Touch Clean Pad.
IndicatorWords CLEANTIME will flash and Display will show"_ HR : _ ".
3. Touch Up or Down Arrow Pad(s) to select cleaning time.
The first touchof anArrow Padwill give you3 hours of cleaningtime. The cleaning
timecan bevarieddependingonthe amountof soil, Set"2:00" for lightsoilor "4:00"
for heavysoil.
Note: If more than fifteen seconds etapse between touching Clean Pad and
touchingan Arrow Pad, the oven isnotsetandtimeofdaywillautomaticallyreturn
to the Display.
Example: If at 10 o'clock you se(ectedto self-clean your oven for 3 hours, the
Displaywill show:
Four secondsafterselectingdesiredcleaning timethe Displaywill returnto timeof
dayandtheIndicatorWordsHRandTIME willgo off,The LOCK IndicatorWord and
the coolingfan will comeon when the dooris latched. The IndicatorWord CLEAN
will remain and ONwill appear and cycle with the elements to maintainthe clean
Note: If the oven doorwas left open, the word "door" will flash in the Display and
a signa( will continuously beep until the door is closed and the Clean Pad is
When theclean function has beencompleted,theIndicatorWordsCLEANandON
will go off. The IndicatorWord LOCK and the cooling fan will remaJnon until the
oven has cooled down and the door has unlocked,