The rackpositions notedare generallyrecommendedfor the bestbrowning resultsand
most efficient cookingtimes. For manyfood items, excellent results can be achieved
when usingoneofseveraldifferentrackpositions. Referto bakingandroastingsections
for recommendationsfor specific foods.
Different Racks
Two flat racksandone offset rackare packagedwith your oven. The use of the offset
rack is denotedin the list below and the charts as an "o" after the rack number.
--4 (flat rack)
3o (offset rack)
1 (flat rack)
Figure 1.
Rack Uses
Rack Position#4o (offset rack on #4):
Rack Position#3:
Most baked goods on cookie sheets, cakes (sheetand _ayer).
Rack Position#30 (offset rack on #3):
Most baked goods on cookie sheets, frozen conveniencefoods, fresh fruit pie,
cream pie, layer cakes, maindish souffle.
Rack Position #2:
Roastingsmallcuts of meat,cakes (tube,bundtor layer),frozen fruit pie, pie shell,
large casseroles.
Rack Position#20 (offsetrack on #2):
Roasting small cuts of meat,loaves of bread, angelfood cake.
Rack Position#1-
Largecuts ofmeatand _argepoultry,angelfoodcake,loavesofbread,custardpie,
dessert souffle.
Multiple Rack Cooking:
Two racks,use #20 and #4. Three racks, use#1,#30,and #4. (See Figure 1.)