
Tendercuts of meator marinatedmeatsare bestfor broiling. This includesriband
loincuts of steak,groundbeef,hamsteaks, poultrypiecesor fish. For bestresults,
steaksshould be at least 1" thick. Thinner steaks should be pan-broiled,
Do not coverbroilergrid withfoil sincethis preventsfat drippingsfrom draininginto
the bottom of the pan.
Beforebroiling,removeexcessfatfrom meatandscoreedgesoffat (do notcut into
meat)to prevent meat from curling. Salt after cooking.
To preventdry surface on fish or lean meats,brush melted butter on top.
Foodsthat requireturningshouldbe turned only once during broiling. Turn meat
with tongs toavoid piercingand loss of juices.
Charttime is based on a preheated broil element usingthe "HI" setting.
*An "o" after a rack number implies that the offset rack should be used.
Note: This chart is a suggestedguide. The times may vary with food being cooked.