
To maintainthe natural flavor,moisture,and nutritionof frozen foods, and to prevent
freezer burn, we recommend that all foods be wrapped or sealed properly.
Some mode}shave a tilt out basket on the freezer door. /_._ll
Tiltingthebasketforward byitsupperedge provideseasy
access to packages. A slight push upward will tilt the
basket back to its proper stored position.
The freezer shelves can be adjusted up or down or __
removed to accommodate various sized packages. To
removea shelf,liftup onrightside ofshelfand pushtothe
right. Then, tilt shelf and remove.
Toreplace afreezer shelf:(1) tilttheshelfandinsert right
rod endsinto upper portionof oblong holesinthe freezer
sidewall;and (2) lowerthe leftsideofthe shelfand insertin oblong holes inthe left side
of the freezer walL. Make sure the shelfis secure before loading.
The slide-outBulk Storagedrawer canbe removed bypulling it out
asfar asitwill go,then liftingthefront edge and pullingstraightout.
)f you notice that the drawer is not sliding smoothly or easily,
lubricate the slide rails with petroleum jelly. Apply lubrication to
pointsasshown. Also,make surethe bottomofthe freezer isclean
where the slide rails make contact.
Toremovethe freezer basket;(1)pullthebasketpar_allyout; (2)reachto theback ofthe
basket and pivotthe metalclips up to a horizontalposition;and (3) pullthe basketout.
When replacing the basket, reverse the removal procedure.