Your new refrigeratorhas two controls. One for .... _:_l%_q_%_ar_ [
regulatingthe temperaturein thefreshfood com-
partmentand onefor thefreezer. Bothcontrolsare _.
locatedattheupperrearoftherefrigeratorcompart- / _ ,_m.,"-_%_3;_%_':r_.r
ment, just below thelightshield. Fig.A
Tostartyour refrigerator,set therefrigerator controlon "F"and setthefreezer controlon
"4" (Seefig. A).
To startyour refrigerator,setthe refrigeratorcontrol
B).°n "6" andsetthe freezer contr°l °n "D" (See Fig" I ]_ _o._ _ _..,,oo,
Letthe refrigerator run at least two hours before
loading it with food.
iMPORTANT: In a day or so, youmy decide that one or bothcompartments should be
colder or warmer. DO NOT changeeither contro}more than one letteror one number
at a time, AIIow24hoursfortemperaturetostabilizebeforeadjustingthesettingagain.
This does not apply when you first start your refrigerator.
To turn off your refrigerator, set the refrigerator control on OFF.
At times,the front surfaces ofyour refrigeratorcabinet may bewarm to thetouch. This
isa normalfunctionofyour refrigerator, Thisfeature preventsmoisturefrom condensing
on the outside of your refrigerator during humid weather. This condition may be
noticeable when you first start your refrigerator, during hot weather, and during
excessive or lengthy door openings.
For efficientenergy use:
1, Besurethe refrigerator islevel andventilation around thefront grille is notblocked.
2, Checkdoor seals occasionally for leakage. Check at various places: top, bottom,
and sides,
3, Check the temperature; avoid unnecessary cold settings.
4. Keep the freezer near full capacity; less cold air is lost duringdoor openings.
5, Let hot dishes cool before putting into refrigerator or freezer.
6. Cover liquids; Jfuncovered, the unit must worklonger.
7, Clean refrigerator condenser coils at leasttwice a year.