Defrostwaterdrainsintoa shallowpanbeneaththe ,_.,'_'_1_ _
cabinet and evaporates. During periodsof high _{_l-
humidity, water could remain inthe pan. This pan
should be cleaned once a month with a strong
solutionofsoap and water. It islocated behindthe
basegrille, To remove the basegrille, grasp itat
both ends and pull straightout.
Liftthefront ofthedefrostpanand pullitstraightout. ,L,o._..
TOshown.replacethe defrost pan, reverseprocedureas _l."l__• _ __;:_'__"
To replacethe basegrille,lineup the springclips
on the basegrillewiththe squareopeningsin the
cabinetand gentlytap eachend in untilthegrille
locksin place.
To allowyour refrigeratorto run moreeffi-
ciently, the base grilleandthe areaaround
the condenser should be cleaned at least ( =l
twicea year. Theareaaroundthecondens-
ercanbe cleanedwheneverthe refrigerator
is moved during routine house-cleaning. .-
Unplug the refrigerator and move it away
from the wall. Vacuum the condenser and ,_F.os_.
base grille area and the area where the o_.._,o P_-."
cabinet normally sits. Plugin the refrigera- ¢
tor after cleaning, _ _GEG,,LLE
TOclean the base grille, grasp both ends
and pullstraightout. Aftercleaning,replace
the base grille.