Chapter 2 — Configuring Interface Settings
20 SR60 Scanner Programmer’s Reference Manual
For help changing other settings for this interface, see:
• Chapter 3, “Configuring Label Transmit Settings,” on
page 47
• “All Symbologies Supported by All Interfaces” on page 66
• Chapter 5, “Configuring General Features,” on page 133
Baud Rate
Scan the following bar codes to select the Baud Rate. Only one
Baud Rate selection may be active at any one time. The last Baud
Rate bar code you scan during a programming session is the
setting that is stored when you scan the END bar code.
SET -------------------------------------------
Baud Rate = 1200 ---------
Baud Rate = 2400 ---------
Baud Rate = 4800 ---------
Baud Rate = 9600 ---------