Chapter 1 — Introduction to Programming the SR60 Scanner
10 SR60 Scanner Programmer’s Reference Manual
Restoring Factory Default Settings
You can restore the factory default settings at any time by
scanning the Return to Factory Default Settings bar code in this
section. This bar code is typically used to return the scanner to a
known operating state when the present programming status is
not known, faulty, or suspect.
For a list of factory default settings, see Appendix A, “Factory
Default Configuration” on page 145.
To restore factory defaults
1 Scan the SET bar code.
2 Scan the Return to Factory Setting bar code.
3 Scan the END bar code.
Use this bar code with caution, since it resets all changes made
during previous programming sessions.
Note: This bar code does not reset the Low Power mode. For
details, see
“Configuring the Low Power Mode” on page 140.
SET -------------------------------------------
Return to Factory Default
Settings ---------
END ------------------------------------------