Chapter 4 — Enabling and Configuring Symbologies
102 SR60 Scanner Programmer’s Reference Manual
• Optional means scanner reads UPC/EAN bar codes with or
without add-ons.
• Disable directs the scanner not to recognize or read add-on
portions of UPC/EAN labels, but to read the main body of
the label.
Price/Weight Check Digit
Price/Weight Check Digit provides options for enabling price/
weight check digits. The feature includes selections for domestic
four or five digit, and European four or five digit, as well as the
option to disable the price/weight check.
Read Verification
Read Verification is the number of times the scanner is required
to read the bar code data before sending the label data to the host.
Configuring the UPC/EAN Options
Use the following bar codes to configure the UPC/EAN options.
UPC Data Format Settings
These settings affect UPC data format. Scan the following bar
codes to send or not send the check digit and the Number System
Digit (NSD).
The NSD is the character that precedes the UPC bar code.
Common NSDs are:
• 0 is used for regular UPC-A bar codes.
• 2 is used for random weight items such as meat and produce.
• 3 is used for the drug and health items.
• 4 is used for in-store non-food items.
• 5 is used for coupons.
The Location of the NSD: This UPC-A bar code contains an NSD of 0.
Note: The NSD settings operate only with RS-232 and Keyboard
Wedge interfaces.