5654A09A is the PPF that was shipped with the
product. If you have your own PPF override you
should substitute your PPF name for 5654A09A.
Use ADSM for installing on minidisks or ADSMSFS
for installing in Shared File System directories.
5 Receive the documentation.
Electronic Service
If you are receiving service from ServiceLink (electronic service) see
Appendix A, "Receiving Service for VMSES Envelopes" section 'Receive
Service Documentation', in the VM/ESA Service Guide. Remember to
substitute the ppfname and compname used for servicing Tivoli ADSM for
VM in the instructions shown in the Appendix. Then return back to this
PD and continue with step 9.
vmfrec info The INFO option loads the documentation and
displays a list of all the products on the tape.
6 Check the receive message log ($VMFREC $MSGLOG) for warning and error
vmfview receive Also make note of which products and components
have service on the tape. To do this, use the PF5
key to show all status messages which identify the
products on the tape.
7 Read the product memo (5654A09A MEMO) before going on. This memo
was loaded to the A-disk.
8 Setup the correct minidisk acess order.
vmfsetup 5654A09A {ADSM | ADSMSFS}
Use ADSM for installing on minidisks or ADSMSFS
for installing in Shared File System directories.
9 Merge previously applied service to ensure that you have a clean alternate
APPLY disk for new service.
vmfmrdsk 5654A09A {ADSM | ADSMSFS} apply
Service Instructions 29