Note: This must be done from a user ID that is an administrator for
VMSYS: filepool.
c Determine if there are enough blocks available in the filepool to install
Tivoli ADSM for VM. This information can be obtained with the QUERY
FILEPOOL STATUS command. Near the end of the output from this
command is a list of minidisks in the filepool and the number of blocks
free. If the number of blocks free is smaller than the total 4K blocks
needed to install Tivoli ADSM for VM you will need to add space to the
filepool. See the VM/ESA Filepool Planning, Administration, and
Operation manual for information on adding space to a filepool.
d Create the necessary subdirectories listed in the 5654A09A PLANINFO
file using the CREATE DIRECTORY command.
set filepool vmsys:
create directory vmsys:5654A09A.adsm
create directory vmsys:5654A09A.adsm.object
create directory vmsys:5654A09A.adsm.applyalt
create directory vmsys:5654A09A.adsm.applyprod
create directory vmsys:5654A09A.adsm.delta
Refer to Figure 8 on page 11 to find out what each SFS directory is
used for.
If necessary, see the VM/ESA CMS Command Reference manual for
more information about the CREATE DIRECTORY command.
6.4 Install Tivoli ADSM for VM
The ppfname used throughout these installation instructions is 5654A09A, which assumes you are using
the PPF supplied by IBM for Tivoli ADSM for VM. If you have your own PPF override file for Tivoli ADSM
for VM, you should use your file's ppfname instead of 5654A09A. The ppfname you selected should be
used throughout the rest of this procedure.
1 Logon to the installation user ID 5654A09A.
2 Create a PROFILE EXEC that will contain the ACCESS commands for
MAINT 5E5 and 51D minidisks.
xedit profile exec a
===> input /**/
===> input 'access 5e5 b'
===> input 'access 51d d'
===> file
If either 5E5 or 51D is in a shared file system
(SFS) then substitute your SFS directory name in
the access command.
22 Tivoli ADSM for VM Program Directory