Complete this step only if you received message VMFREQ286W for any of the products that are
required by Tivoli ADSM for VM: either IBM Language Environment (5688-198) or IBM C/370
Library (5688-188).
VMFREQ286W The following requisites for product :PPF 5654A9A ADSM
:PRODID 5654A9A%ADSM are not satisfied
VMFREQ286W Type Product Component PTF
------------- -------- ---------------- -------------
VMFREQ286W Requisite 5688198E
VMFREQ286W OR 5688198F
VMFREQ286W OR 5688188
VMFREQ286W OR 5688188A
This message indicates that the product or products listed is/are a pre-requisite product for Tivoli
ADSM for VM but were not found in the current system inventory.
If you are certain that C/370 V2R1M0 or lower is installed on your system, then the VMSES/E
system inventory must be updated before proceeding with the install of Tivoli ADSM for VM, as
these products were not in VMSES/E format. Update the software inventories by issuing the
following commands for each of the products listed. For additional information about the System
Inventory files and the VMFSIM command see the VMSES/E Introduction and Reference.
If C/370 (5688188) V2R1M0 or lower is installed on your system, enter:
If you want to use LE V1R5M0 or higher or C/370 V2R2M0, which are in VMSES/E format, then
you need to install them before installing Tivoli ADSM for VM.
vmfsim modify vm sysrecs d tdata :prodid 5688188 :PPF 5688188 lib :stat received
vmfsim modify vm sysapps d tdata :prodid 5688188 :PPF 5688188 lib :stat applied
vmfsim modify vm sysreqt d tdata :prodid 5688188
9 Review the install message log ($VMFINS $MSGLOG). If necessary, correct
any problems before going on. For information about handling specific error
messages, see VM/ESA: System Messages and Codes, or use on-line HELP.
vmfview install
Installation Instructions 19