
Troubleshooting 7-3
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Error Codes and Messages
The error information returned by the datasetGetLastError function includes
the FAL error information defined in the dataset.h file.
Table 7-2 lists and
describes the FAL error codes and provides instructions for resolving each
error condition. In
Table 7-2, the error codes marked by an asterisk (*) may
also be reported when I/O access contention occurs. If the cause of the error
cannot be identified as described in
Table 7-2, check for illegal I/O access
contention for the FX volume between the z/OS and open-system hosts.
The FAL error logs for UNIX are /tmp/fal_error and /tmp/fal_error.bak,
and /tmp/fal_dump and /tmp/fal_dump.bak. The FAL logs for Windows
2000/2003/Windows NT systems are c:\fal_error and c:\fal_error.bak, and
c:\fal_dump and c:\fal_dump.bak.
Note: Error codes with a negative value are FAL errors. Error codes with a
positive value are system errors. UNIX system error codes are defined in the
standard error file errno.h.
Table 7-2 FAL Error Codes
Error Message and Description
Recommended Action(s)
The actual VSN and the VSN specified in the FX
volume definition file do not match.
Make sure that the VSN in the FX volume
definition file is correct.
The target dataset was not found.
Make sure that the actual dataset name and the
specified dataset name are the same. You can
use the MF-File list command in the FCU HELP
menu, or VTOC dump data on the z/OS host, to
check the dataset name.
The data format is not supported.
Make sure that the dataset was created correctly
on the z/OS host.
The device emulation type is not supported.
Make sure that the device emulation type (LVI)
is correct in the FX volume definition file. The
supported LVIs are 3390-3A, -3B and -3C.
The dataset organization type is not supported.
Check the DO type using the MF-File list
command in the FCU HELP menu, or VTOC
dump data on the z/OS host.
The record format is not supported.
Check the RF type using the MF-File list
command in the FCU HELP menu, or VTOC
dump data on the z/OS host.
The data in the VTOC or the dataset is invalid.
Make sure that the VTOC and dataset were
created correctly on the z/OS host.
The format of volume definition file is invalid.
Make sure that the FX volume definition file was
created correctly.
An attempt was made to read the dataset without
opening it.
Make sure that the datasetOpen function is
called before the datasetGet function.