
570 Chapter 7
Command Definitions S-SO
Displays information about user-defined commands (UDCs). (Native Mode)
SHOWCATALOG[ listfile] [ ;USER=username[.acctname]]
listfile An arbitrary file name that identifies the output from SHOWCATALOG that
is sent to the line printer. Specifying listfile sends the listing to device class
LP (line printer). You may use a file equation to direct the listing of the
catalog to a disk or tape file. If you omit this parameter, the listing is sent
to the $STDLIST device.
USER Permits the user to list other users' cataloged files. Account manager
capability (AM) is required to show cataloged files for users within your
logon account. System manager capability (SM) is required to show users'
cataloged files in other accounts.
acctname Specifies the user and/or account name whose file names are to be
displayed. The @ wildcard character may be used to specify all the
members of a set:
Operation Notes
This command lists user-defined command files, their commands and the level at which
they were cataloged (user, account, or `system). This may not be the executing UDC
catalog directory, as with the USER option. The user may specify a listfile to send the listing
to the line printer. You may use a file equation to direct the listing of the catalog to another
disk or tape file. Default is that the listing is sent to the $STDLIST device.
If SETCATALOG is performed with the USER option after the user logs on, the user's
executing UDC directory is not affected. Only the UDC catalog set is affected. The next
time the user logs on, the UDC directory is built from this set. Thus the SHOWCATALOG
command with the USER option shows the UDC catalog set. The SHOWCATALOG command
alone shows the currently executing UDC directory commands.
This command is available from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break
aborts the execution of this command.