
Chapter 4 281
Command Definition F-K
Initiates an interactive session. (Native Mode)
HELLO[ sessionname,] username [/userpass].acctname [/acctpass][,groupname[/grouppass
] ] [ ;TERM={ termtype termname } ] [ ;TIME=cpusecs] [ ;PRI={ BS CS DS ES }
] [ { ;INPRI=inputpriority ;HIPRI } ] [ ;INFO=ciinfo] [ ;PARM=ciparm]
sessionname Arbitrary name used in conjunction with username and acctname
parameters to form a fully qualified session identity. The name must
contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
alphabetic character. Default is that no session is assigned.
username User name, established by the account manager, that allows you to log on
to this account. The name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric
characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
userpass User password, optionally assigned by the account manager. The password
must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with
an alphabetic character. The user password must be preceded by a slash
acctname Account name as established by the system manager. The name must
contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an
alphabetic character. The acctname parameter must be preceded by a
period (.).
acctpass Account password, optionally assigned by the system manager. The
password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters,
beginning with an alphabetic character. The account password must be
preceded by a slash (/).
groupname Group name to be used for the local file domain and the CPU and
connect-time charges as established by the account manager. The name
must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with
an alphabetic character. Default is your home group if you are assigned
one by the account manager. (Required if a home group is not assigned.)
grouppass Group password optionally assigned by the account manager. The
password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters
beginning with an alphabetic character. The grouppass parameter is not
needed to log on to your home group. The group password must be
preceded by a slash (/).
termtype or termname Determines terminal type characteristics. The termtype parameter
determines the type of terminal used for input. MPE/iX uses this
parameter to determine device-dependent characteristics such as delay