
5. From Create Package section:
a. If you want to suppress any error messages, select the Suppress all end user error
messages checkbox.
b. Click the Create Package button.
c. The configuration dialog will open and allow you to set configuration details for this printer
driver. After accepting the configuration changes, the package will be created.
6. Run the new .EXE file from the client computer. You must have administrator rights to run the .EXE
file because it will be copying files into the Windows driver store. A port and printer object will be
created with the information provided above.
Common Problems
I get a warning when I select the printer driver
If there are too many files in the driver directory, or the directory is really large, a warning appears so
that the user doesn’t accidentally package up something they didn’t intend to (like the root directory).
Some printer drivers are really large, and you can choose to ignore this warning and continue.
To minimize package size, each printer driver should be in it’s own directory. This is usually the default
behavior when you expand a printer driver.
I get an error when I try to open the “Network Settings” dialog
You need to first select a printer driver before opening the “Network Settings” dialog. This populates the
product name field based on the printer-driver name.
The Create Package button is not enabled
This button will not be enabled until you have:
1. Selected the printer driver.
2. If network connect – filled out one of the required network settings.
3. Selected the Save as name and directory.
How do I exit the DDU?
Use the Windows close button in the upper corner.
The Network Settings dialog keeps displaying an error, and I just want out
If you do not want to save settings, or change your mind and don’t want a network install, you need to
close the network settings dialog with the Windows close button in the upper corner. Using the OK
button, will try to validate the settings, and that is what is causing an error.
What if the user connects the printer before the DDU package is run?
If the user connects the product, but then cancels the Plug and Play event before it finishes, this creates
an incomplete Plug and Play event. After copying the printer-driver files to the Windows driver store, the
DDU code will cleanup incomplete Plug and Play events for products supported by this printer driver.
Then it will refresh the bus, causing the operating system to Plug and Play the product (installing the
printer driver and creating the printer object.)
How do I uninstall DDU?
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