Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Mooney M20M, M20R, & M20TN
10) With the ‘TARGET ALTITUDE’ field highlighted,
turn the
Knob to select the target altitude.
If the selected altitude is above the current
aircraft altitude, a profiled climb is created.
If the selected altitude is below the current
aircraft altitude, a profiled descent will be
11) Press the
Key. The cursor is now placed
in the ‘TARGET VERTICAL SPEED’ field. The
default profile utilizes a 400 foot-per-minute
descent rate.
12) To change the vertical speed, turn the
Knob to enter the desired vertical speed. Press
Key when finished.
With the profile set, the vertical speed required (VSR)
is displayed. Expect the following to occur when using the
vertical navigation feature:
At one minute prior to reaching the Bottom Of Climb
or Top Of Descent point (gray arc), the message ‘APPR
VPROF - Approaching VNAV Profile’ is displayed as a PFD
alert. The descent (or climb) angle also locks to prevent
changes in speed from altering the profile. If selected,
the vertical speed required (VSR) readout on the default
NAV and map pages shows the desired vertical speed to
maintain the proper descent (or climb) angle. At 500 feet
above (or below, for a climb) the target altitude (white
arc), an ‘APPR TRG ALT’ - Approaching Target Altitude”
message is provided. The VSR readout on the Navigation
Map Page is blanked out at this point.
Figure 8-17 Approaching VNAV Profile Message (PFD)
Figure 8-18 Approaching Target Altitude Message (PFD)
To display map data on the Vertical Navigation Map
Page, press the MAP Softkey. Press the TOPO, TERRAIN,
or LTNG Softkey. Press the
softkey to remove the
displayed data from the Vertical Navigation Page.
VNAV Page Menu Options
The VNAV messages are not enabled until the ‘VNAV
Messages On?’ option is enabled from the VNAV Page
Menu Options. To display the page menu, press the
MENU Key (with the VNAV Page displayed). The VNAV
Page Options Menu also allows the pilot to restore VNAV
Page defaults.