Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Mooney M20M, M20R, & M20TN
When the key is pressed, the system engages the
autopilot. If the flight director is not already active, it is
also engaged when the AP Key is pressed.
Autopilot engagement is displayed in the Autopilot
Status field of the AFCS Status Bar. Autopilot engagement
is indicated by a green ‘AP’.
Figure 6-5 Autopilot Engaged Annunciation
Autopilot Engaged
Automatic Disengagement
Automatic disengagement typically occurs due to a
failure. Automatic disengagement is annunciated by a
flashing ‘AP’, alternating red on white and white on red in
the Autopilot Status field. Also, the autopilot disconnect
aural alert will be heard. Both the annunciation and the
aural alert will continue until acknowledged by pressing
the AP DISC Button or the MET ARM Switch.
Figure 6-6 Automatic Disconnect Annunciation
Automatic Disconnect
Manual Disengagement
The autopilot may also be manually disengaged by
pressing the AP DISC Button, the GA Button, the MET
ARM Switch, or by pressing the AP Key on the MFD.
Manual disengagement is annunciated by a five-second
flashing yellow ‘AP’ in the Autopilot Status field and by a
two-second autopilot disconnect aural alert.
Figure 6-7 Manual Disconnect Annunciation
Manual Disconnect
Control Wheel Steering
Pressing and holding the CWS Button disengages the
servos from the flight control surfaces and allows manual
manuevering of the aircraft. At the same time, the flight
director is synchronized to the aircraft attitude during the
maneuver. The ‘AP’ annunciation is temporarily replaced
by ‘CWS’ in white until the CWS Button is released.
Figure 6-8 CWS Annunciation
Control Wheel Steering