Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Mooney M20M, M20R, & M20TN
Navigation Mode (GPS, VOR, LOC, or BC)
Pressing the NAV Key activates the Navigation Mode.
The Navigation Mode acquires and tracks the selected
navigation receiver on the HSI (e.g. GPS, VOR or LOC).
GPS roll steering commands are followed when the HSI
is in GPS Mode, and creates roll steering commands from
the Selected Course and deviation when the HSI is in
VOR, LOC, or BC (backcourse) modes.
Turning the
CRS Knob moves the Course Pointer and
displays the Selected Course box. The Selected Course
is displayed in the box. The box is displayed while the
knob is turning and disappears three seconds after the
knob stops turning.
Backcourse Mode is automatically selected when the
localizer front course is greater than 105 degrees from the
aircraft heading.
NOTE: When making a backcourse approach, set
Selected Course to the localizer front course.
Figure 6-17 Navigation Mode
Flight Level Change Mode is active
Flight Director command
bars indicating a left
turn to track GPS course
and a climb to intercept
Selected Altitude
Navigation Mode is active using GPS source
GPS is active
navigation receiver
on the HSI.
Selected Course
Altitude Hold is armed
Navigation Mode Armed
If the CDI is not centered (deviation >1 dot) when the
Navigation Mode is selected, the mode is automatically
armed. The armed annunciation appears in white to the
left of the active roll axis mode.
See the Example Procedures Using AFCS section for
more information.