
Transferring MapSource Map Data
If you have purchased a Garmin MapSource Points of Interest (POI)
CD-ROM, you may want to transfer detailed data to access enhanced
Find and Routing features. The GPS 60 accepts up to 1 MB of data from
POI MapSource products. It is not possible to transfer 3rd party maps
into Garmin products.
POI data transfer requires the use of a PC, a Garmin MapSource CD-
ROM, and the Universal Service Bus (USB) cable supplied with this unit.
Follow detailed instructions for data transfer in the MapSource Setup
Guide and User’s Manual. Note that downloading maps will overwrite
any maps already downloaded to the unit,including the Points of Interest
database provided with the GPS 60. However, the data provided by
MapSource is more detailed than the pre-loaded data on the GPS 60.
Appendix D: Interfacing
and Loading Map Data