Getting Started
Initializing the GPS Receiver
Each time you turn on the GPS 60, it will begin searching for satellite
signals. The first time you turn on the unit, you must wait for the GPS to
initialize. Initialization allows the GPS 60 to receive and store satellite
information and begin using the satellites for navigation. This process
happens automatically and should take no more than a few minutes. Keep
in mind that satellite signals cannot pass through solid materials (except
glass) or dense overhead tree cover, so you should initialize outdoors
and away from obstructions. Once you initialize, the GPS 60 should find
satellite signals quickly each time you turn it on.
To initialize the GPS 60:
1. Take your GPS 60 outside where it has a clear view of the sky and
turn it on by pressing and releasing the POWER key.
2. Wait while the GPS 60 searches for satellite signals. While the unit is
searching, you see the message ‘Acquiring Satellites.’
3. Once your GPS 60 has acquired satellites, your location in
coordinates appears at the top of the Satellite Page.
If initializing takes a long time, or if you have moved more than 600
miles since you last turned on the GPS 60, try moving away from tall
trees, buildings, or other obstructions. If you still have trouble, see p. 7.
Start Up and Initialization
The Satellite Page
Shows the
strength of
each satellite
Shows the
position of
each satellite
Shows the
status of the