GPS Navigation
GPS Navigation
Using the Compass Page
The Compass Page uses traditional navigation to display your current
direction of travel and keep headed toward your destination.
When you are navigating to a destination, the Compass Page provides
navigation data and directions, such as bearing, current speed, estimated
arrival time, and more. You can customize which type of data you want to
appear. See p. 64 for a list of available data fields.
As you move, the rotating graphic compass indicates the direction
you are traveling. You can choose between a Bearing Pointer or a Course
Pointer for guidance. The Bearing Pointer indicates the direction (bear-
ing) to your destination. The Course Pointer helps you stay on the correct
course to your destination.
The compass does not function as a magnetic compass when you are
stationary. When you move, the dial rotates so you always know what
direction is North. This is especially helpful when using a paper map
along with your unit for navigation.
If you want to stop navigating, press MENU from the Compass Page,
use the ROCKER key to highlight ‘Stop Navigation,’ and press ENTER.
The Compass Page
The Compass Page
Data Fields
The Course Pointer indicates your course
of travel and the distance you drift off