
Section 3
Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance
The Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance alert, or FLTA, is used by the TERRAIN system and is com-
posed of two elements:
• Reduced Required Terrain Clearance (RTC) Avoidance — Provides alerts when the aircraft flight path is
above terrain, yet is projected to come within minimum clearance values outlined in Table 3-1. When an
RTC alert is issued, a potential impact point (see page 34) is displayed on the TERRAIN Page.
• Imminent Terrain Impact (ITI) Avoidance — Provides alerts when the aircraft is below the elevation
of a terrain cell in the aircraft’s projected path. ITI alerts are accompanied by a potential impact point
displayed on the TERRAIN Page. The alert is given when the projected vertical flight path is calculated to
come within minimum clearance altitudes in the following table.
Phase of Flight Level Flight Descending
Enroute 700 ft. 500 ft.
Terminal 350 ft. 300 ft.
Approach 150 ft. 100 ft.
Departure 100 ft. 100 ft.
Table 3-1: Minimum Terrain Clearance Values for RTC/ITI Alerts
During the final approach phase of flight, RTC/ITI alerts are automatically inhibited when the aircraft
is below 200’ AGL while within 0.5 nm of the approach runway or is below 125’ AGL while within 1 nm
of the runway.
‘TERRAIN AHEAD’ alert (flashing)—Estimated poten-
tial impact in approximately 30 seconds after pop-up
alert and annunciation. Similarily, an ‘OBSTACLE
AHEAD’’ alert is also provided.
‘TERRAIN ADVISORY’ advisory—Estimated potential
impact in approximately 60 seconds after pop-up alert
and annunciation. Similarily, an ‘OBSTACLE
ADVISORY’ alert is also provided.