Section 6
GDL 49 Datalink Status
• TX Queue — Shows the number of requests in the GDL 49’s transmit queue waiting to be
sent to the satellite.
• RX Queue — Shows the number of responses in the GDL 49’s receive queue waiting to be
sent to the 400/500 Series.
• Sat ID/Connectivity — Shows the current satellite in view and also indicates the status of the
current satellite connection.
“Data Link has failed” There is a disconnect inside the GDL 49.
“Searching...” No satellite is currently in view.
“Satellite in view” Found satellite but have not yet identified it.
“Linked to sat” Can exchange data with the satellite.
“_ _ _” RS-232 communication with the GDL 49 has been lost.
• SATCOM Operation — This field indicates the current activity being performed by the satel-
lite communicator within the GDL 49. The following are possible messages that can be displayed,
including interpretations of the most common ones:
“Idle” Waiting to perform the next task.
“Sending message” Transmitting a message.
“Sending request” Transmitting a request to the satellite.
“Receiving message” Receiving a response from the satellite.
“_ _ _” Unknown task is being performed, or RS-232
communication with the GDL 49 has been lost.
• SATCOM SER NUM — This field shows the serial number assigned to the GDL 49’s internal
satellite communicator.
•GDL SW— This field shows the currently installed software version for the GDL 49.
The Data Link Status Page (GDL 49).