Section 2
Controls and Display
Traffic Ground Track
Traffic ground track is indicated in the 400/500 display by a “target track vector”, a short line displayed
in 45-degree increments, extending in the direction of target movement.
Traffic Warning Window
When the unit is on any page (other than the NAV Traffic Page) and a traffic threat is imminent, the
Traffic Warning Window is displayed. The Traffic Warning Window shows a small thumbnail map which
can take the user to the Traffic Page by pressing ENT, or go back to the previous page by pressing CLR.
NOTE: The Traffic Warning Window is disabled when the aircraft ground speed is less than
30 knots or when an approach is active.
Traffic Page
TIS Traffic data is displayed on two 400/500 Series unit pages, the Traffic Page and the Map Page. The
500 Series unit can also be configured to display a traffic thumbnail window below the VLOC frequency
window. Unlike other forms of traffic, TIS traffic does not require heading data to be valid on the map.
The only difference between TIS and other traffic data occurs on the Traffic Page. If heading is available,
then the traffic data is compensated and displayed as heading-up. If it’s not available, the Traffic Page is a
track-up display. It is labeled on the upper portion of the Traffic Page.
Traffic Page Display Range
Various display ranges can be selected for optimal display of TIS traffic information.
To change the display range on the Traffic Page:
1. Press RNG to zoom through the range selections which are: 12/6 nm, 6/2 nm, and 2 nm.
Traffic Warning Window
Traffic Target Track Vector.