Flow meter calibration
FOM 71 MP-Lab
Flow meter calibration
(All references in this document refers to ELS document 438 9041-07 Installation
of flow meter control FOM 71 MP-lab. See Appendix 1)
The flow meter must be configured and calibrated in accordance with the in-
stallation manual. The configuration must adhere to the procedure at page 6 of
the Installation manual. The configuration also sets the amount of water for the
main wash and rinses, as well as calibration factor K. The value of the K-factor is
dependent on actual water pressure in the supply line and must be adjusted for
each installation. This calibration must be redone if water pressure in the supply
line changes.
A flow meter shall be checked on a regular basis. If necessary, recalibration must
be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in the flow meter instal-
lation manual.
The check shall be carried out in accordance with one of the following procedu-
• ProcedureA1
o Select the Cotton 60 program (or any other IEC cotton program)
o Start the program without load.
o Pause the program after first fill.
o Drain the machine via the manual drain button and collect the water in a
receptacle. Make sure no water is left in the drain hose.
o Weigh the water in the receptacle.
o If the receptacle is too small, drain water in stages and weigh.
o Rapid advance the program to its end.
o If the amount of water is incorrect, adjust the K-factor until the correct
amount is achieved.
o Make sure no other machine connected to the same water line is filling with
water whilst calibration is in process.
• ProcedureA2.
o Disconnect the water supply hose containing the flow meter from the
o Fit a flow restrictor of about 15 litres/min at the end of the hose (or a valve
with the opening adjusted to about 15 litres/min.)
o SelecttheCotton60°Cprogram(oranyotherIECcottonprogram)
o Start the program without load.
o Pause the program after first fill.
o Collect the water in a receptacle.
o Weigh the water in the receptacle.
o Rapid advance the program to its end.