Installation inspection of the reference machine
5710 A
Wascator FOM 71 CLS
Installation inspection of the
reference machine
Before carrying out any major test series inspect
the installation and check the following terms:
• Themachinemustbeinstalledonalevel
base. The following clearances are recom-
mended in order to facilitate calibration:
At least 500 mm between the machine and
the wall behind and min. 50 mm on both
sides of the machine whether installed next to
the wall or other machines.
• Checkthelevellingofthemachine.Theverti-
cal difference from corner to corner of the top
lid shall not exceed 5 mm. If not adjust the
feet of the machine.
• Themachineshallbeconnectedusingthe
supplied Y hose or using two single hoses.
• Thewaterhoseandpowercablemusthang
freely between the machine and wall in order
to prevent disrupting the reference machine
scale system.
• Makesurethatthedraininstallationismade
according to the information on next page.
Observe the required air gap in the drain sys-
50 mm
500 mm