1. Connect the pressure hose to the lower part of the valve. Check that the
hose is not bent or pinched.
2. Fit the rubber bellows onto the sleeve coupling.
3. Hook the valve onto the bolts and turn the valve into position. Secure the
4 retaining bolts of the valve.
4. Secure the hose clamp at the connection of the rubber bellows on the
sleeve coupling.
5. Connect the drain hose to the upper part of the valve.
6. Turn the main power switch to position 1 and verify correct valve
operation and that it does not leak.
7. Reattach the front cover.
Removal of scale
Depending on the use of the reference machine, scale must be removed
from all parts exposed to water on a regular basis.
• Ifthemachineisoperatedinahardwaterarea,decalcifythemachinein
accordance with the following procedure:
o Put 0.5 kg of citric acid in the detergent department.
o Start program Cotton 85ºC.
o Rinse the reference machine by running the Cotton 85ºC program
Removal of residual detergent
Detergent may accumilate at certain parts of the machine and also be a part
of the deposits on the inner side of the outer drum.
• Detergentmayaccumilateinthehosebetweenthedrumandtheexter-
nal tap valve. Remove the valve and clean the hose with a bottle cleaner.
Flush the hose with water to ensure that no detergent remains.
• RuneitheraCotton85°CorCotton60°Cprogramsonaregularbasis,
without ading a load or detergent. If foam is visible during the main wash,
repeat the Cotton programs until no "stable" foam is visible.