iDRAC6 and CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 219
cfgLdapGroupAttributeIsDN (Read/Write)
cfgLdapBinddn (Read/Write)
NOTE: If cfgLDAPBindDN is [null] and cfgLDAPBindPassword is [null], then the
CMC attempts an anonymous bind.
cfgLdapBindpassword (Write only)
Description When it is set to 1, iDRAC6 compares the userDN retrieved from
the directory to compare to the members of the group; if it is set to
0, the user name provided by the login user is used to compare to
the members of the group. This does not impact the search
algorithm for the bind. iDRAC6 always searches the userDN and
uses the userDN to bind.
For CMC, if enabled, the CMC performs DN matching, otherwise
the CMC uses the user name provided at login for matching.
Legal Values 1 (TRUE)—Use the userDN from the LDAP Server
0 (FALSE)—Use the userDN provided by the login user
Default 1
Description The distinguished name of a user used to bind to the server when
searching for the login user's DN. If not provided, an anonymous
bind is used. This is optional but is required if anonymous bind is
not supported.
Legal Values String. Maximum length = 254
Default Null
Description A bind password to use in conjunction with the bindDN. The bind
password is sensitive data, and should be properly protected. This is
optional but is required if anonymous bind is not supported.
Legal Values String. Maximum length = 254
Default Null