140 RACADM Subcommand Details
testfeature -f ldap
testfeature -f ldap -u <username> -p <password> [-d
This subcommand tests LDAP configuration and operation, and reports
success as each stage of the authentication process proceeds. On successful
completion, this command prints the CMC privileges assumed by the
specified <username>.
If a failure occurs, the command terminates with an error message that
displays the required corrective action. Use the optional -d switch to obtain
additional diagnostic information, as needed.
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have Test Alerts permission.
For iDRAC6 only, before you execute the testtrap subcommand, ensure that
the specified index in the RACADM cfgIpmiPet group is configured properly.
For more information, see "cfgIpmiPet" on page 237.
Table 2-47 provides a list and associated commands for the cfgIpmiPet group.
NOTE: The cfgIpmiPet group is applicable only for iDRAC6.
Subcommand Description
testtrap Tests the RAC’s SNMP trap alerting feature by sending a test trap
from iDRAC6 to a specified destination trap listener on the network.
Table 2-47. cfgIpmiPet Commands
Action Command
Enable the alert racadm config -g cfgIpmiPet -o
cfgIpmiPetAlertEnable -i 1 1
Set the destination
e-mail IP address
racadm config -g cfgIpmiPet -o
cfgIpmiPetAlertDestIpAddr -i 1