146 RACADM Subcommand Details
racadm vflashpartition create <options>
racadm vflashpartition delete <options>
racadm vflashpartition status <options>
racadm vflashpartition list <options>
Table 2-51 describes the vflashpartition subcommand options.
Table 2-51. vflashpartition Subcommand Options
Option Description
-i <index> Index of the partition for which this command applies.
<index> must be an integer from 1 to 16.
NOTE: For the standard SD card, the index value is 1 because only one
partition of size 256 MB is supported.
Options valid only with create action
-o <label> Label that is displayed when the partition is mounted on the
operating system.
<label> must be a string up to six alphanumeric characters.
-e <type> Emulation type for the partition. <type> must be floppy, cddvd, or