96 Scan
• For users who do not have administrator rights: Type the administrator password, and then click OK or
3. Click the Network Setting tab, and then select the appropriate connection method.
• Specify your machine by address.
Type the machine's IP address in the IP Address field, and then click OK.
• Specify your machine by name.
Type the machine's node name in the Node Name field, or click Browse to search for a device, and then select
the machine you want to use. Click OK.
4. Click the Scan To Button tab, and then type your computer's name in the Display Name (Max 15 characters)
field. The machine's LCD displays the name you type. The default setting is your computer's name. You can
type any name you like.
5. To avoid receiving unwanted documents, type a four-digit PIN in the Pin number and Retype Pin number fields.
To send data to a computer protected by a PIN, the LCD prompts you to enter the PIN before the document
can be scanned and sent to the computer.