Boot Method
This selection controls how the machine obtains an IP address.
In this mode, the machine will scan the network for a DHCP server. If it can find one, and if the DHCP server
is configured to allocate an IP address to the machine, then the IP address supplied by the DHCP server will be
If no DHCP server is available, the IP Address is set using the APIPA protocol. After the machine is initially
powered ON, it may take a few minutes for the machine to scan the network for a server.
In this mode, the machine's IP address must be manually assigned. When the IP address is entered, it is locked to
the assigned address.
If you do not want your print server configured via DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP, you must set the BOOT Method
to Static so that the print server has a static IP address. This will prevent the print server from trying to obtain an
IP address from any of these systems.
To change the BOOT Method, use the machine's control panel or Web Based Management.
IP Address
This field displays the current IP address of the machine. If you have selected a BOOT Method of Static, type the IP
address that you wish to assign to the machine (check with your network administrator for the IP address to use). If
you have selected a method other than Static, the machine will attempt to determine its IP address using the DHCP,
BOOTP, or RARP protocols.
The default IP address of your machine will probably be incompatible with the IP address numbering scheme of
your network. We recommend contacting your network administrator for an IP address that is compatible with the
network to which your machine is connected.
Subnet Mask
This field displays the current subnet mask used by the machine. If you are not using DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP to
obtain the subnet mask, type the desired subnet mask. Check with your network administrator for the subnet mask
to use.
This field displays the current gateway or router address used by the machine. If you are not using DHCP, BOOTP,
or RARP to obtain the gateway or router address, type the address you wish to assign. If you do not have a gateway or
router, leave this field blank. Check with your network administrator if you are unsure.
Node Name
You can register the machine name on the Network. This name is often referred to as a NetBIOS name; it will be the
name that is registered by the Windows
Internet Name Service (WINS) server on your network.
Dell recommends the name "DELLxxxxxx" (where "xxxxxx" is the first six digits of your machine's MAC Address /
Ethernet address) (up to 32 characters).
WINS Configuration
This selection controls how the machine obtains the IP address of the WINS server.
Automatically uses a DHCP request to determine the IP addresses for the primary and secondary WINS servers.
You must set the Boot Method to Auto or DHCP for this feature to work.