Configuring an external backup | 133
Setup Guide
valid characters: A–Z, a–z, 0–9 @ (at symbol), . (period), - (hyphen)
length of input: 4–50 characters
4 Enter the password for the FTP server (required).
length of input: 4–20 characters
5 Enter the host name or IPv4 address of the FTP server (required).
valid characters: A–Z, a–z, 0–9 @ (at symbol), . (period), - (hyphen)
valid length of input: 1–50 characters
6 If necessary, enter the directory to which the backup file should be saved.
valid characters: any
length of input: 0–256 characters
7 If necessary, enter the name of the backup file.
Note: If you create a filename containing illegal characters, the backup will fail.
valid characters: any, except / (slash) and \ (backslash)
length of input: 1–256 characters
The default file name will be the current date in an 8-digit format:
YYYYMMDD. If you want another date format, you can use the Help
available to select a preferred format. For example, if you enter the filename
“backup_%d_%B.tar” you will get filenames with a numeric day of the
month (ex. 20) and a month (ex. May).
Note: Make sure you pick a format that is compatible with the operating system
running on your FTP server. Some operating systems will not interpret
slashes (/) or colons (:) as valid characters.
8 Enter the port number of the FTP site to which you are connecting.
1–65, 535
9 If Network Discovery has been set up for e-mail, choose whether or not
Network Discovery will send e-mail on success and on failure and to whose
e-mail address.